I tried to get a hold of it so I could to play it after all those years again, it was a pain the ass to even properly start it, but when I managed to get it working I had a blast.

I know the reviews for this game are bad, and as far as I am concerned the main issue were the technical problems (it had a lot of them), graphics weren't really good even at that time (but graphics are one of least important things for me in a game) and the story was bland and linear for some (what did you expect from a game that is about shooting bugs).

I used to play this a long time ago and enjoyed it very much. It's an action game, set in a sci-fi / futuristic, shooter, licensed title and movies themes.
For playing in ultra-widescreen with larger interface, in the GPU control panel create a custom ultra-widescreen resolution that is smaller than your desired resolution, so it can be selected. From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games Starship Troopers Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy. Heavily jingoist in the 1950s (Starship Troopers), then apparently discovering sex and advocating free love (Stranger in a Strange Land) very early after that in the 1960s and eventually settling on increasingly creepy tales full of naked people and incest in the 1970s.
Hello, I would like to know if there is any possibility of this game appearing here on GoG. Starship Troopers Windows - 2005 4.45 / 5 - 92 votes Download 1.3 GB Description of Starship Troopers Starship Troopers (aka, ) is a video game published in 2005 on Windows by Empire Interactive Europe Ltd. The game must always be be started using